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Former Sponsored Child Pays it Forward

Spon Visit 8

Every sponsored child’s greatest dream is to meet their sponsor to personally express their gratitude and show how sponsorship has helped them in achieving their dreams – and for some of them, this opportunity becomes a reality. One of the many blessed sponsored children served by Pearl S. Buck Foundation Philippines is Nicole, a 3rd-year college criminology student from Olongapo City who has been a child sponsorship beneficiary since 2008. Her sponsor, Will, was a former sponsored child himself for more than 10 years in the 1970s in the Philippines. Like other former sponsored children who lead successful lives, he showed his gratitude by paying it forward and sponsoring another child in need. When the opportunity presented itself, Will flew all the way from the United States to the Philippines to personally meet his long-time sponsored child for the first time. Nicole and Will had only known each other through the letters and pictures they had exchanged over the years.

Will’s Gifts to Nicole

Pearl S. Buck Foundation Philippines staff successfully kept the visit a surprise for Nicole at the
request of Will. It was a touching, heartwarming moment for both sponsor and sponsored child. Will
embraced Nicole as though she was his long-lost child.

While Will brought many gifts to Nicole, the best gift he gave her was the chance to study in the U.S. and
continue the law enforcement courses she had started in the Philippines. Nicole is now processing her documents to secure a student visa to be eligible to study in the United States of America.

Love and Gratitude

It was indeed a moving encounter between sponsor and sponsored child along with their families. It was a meeting of genuine love for each other and of hope for Nicole’s future, made possible by Pearl S. Buck Foundation Philippines and her sponsor.

Not all child sponsors will have the opportunity to meet their sponsored children or help them go to school in the United States, but every child sponsor makes a difference in the life of their child. Every child sponsor, like Will, helps to put their child through school, giving them the opportunity to do well, go to college, and lift themselves and their families out of poverty. There is no gift that is too small to help set these children on the path to success and we are so grateful for all our child sponsors and donors who bridge cultures and change lives every day.

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