Where We Work

United States

Pearl S. Buck International headquarters are located on the former estate of Pearl S. Buck in Bucks County, PA. Domestically, the organization provides guided tours of the Pearl S. Buck House (a National Historic Landmark) to thousands of global visitors annually; continues Ms. Buck’s literary legacy through its writing workshops; offers events and exhibits to the community, and manages the overseas humanitarian programs.


In partnership with two Montgomery County, PA-based mission-oriented non-profits, Chariots for Hope and Bethlehem Baptist Church, Pearl S. Buck International provides aid to children in need living in Ogada Children’s Home outside the city of Kisumu, Kenya.


In China, Pearl S. Buck International works directly with the Chongshi Girl’s School to enable students from low income families to attend high school through our child sponsorship program.

South Korea

The Pearl S. Buck Foundation Korea, an independent affiliate of Pearl S. Buck International, assists multicultural families (made up of foreign laborers who marry Korean citizens) to transition into Korean culture and society while giving them support to raise healthy children.


The Pearl S. Buck Foundation Philippines, an independent affiliate of Pearl S. Buck International, provides aid to ethnic minority children and their families.


The Pearl S. Buck Foundation, Tapei, Taiwan, an independent legal entity, serves the needs of foreign spouses in Taiwan and the children of international marriages.


The Pearl S. Buck Foundation Thailand, an independent affiliated program, provides aid to children in need.


Pearl S. Buck International operates a branch office in Vietnam which serves children living in six orphanages in the Hanoi region.


Pearl S. Buck International works with Caring for Cambodia to support projects to help children going to schools operated by Caring for Cambodia in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Cambodian Flag


In partnership with the US based non-profit Caring for Cambodia, Pearl S. Buck International provides educational aid to children in Cambodia.

Flag China


In China, Pearl S. Buck International works directly with the Chongshi Girl’s School to enable students from low income families to attend high school through our child sponsorship program.

Flag Kenya


In partnership with two Montgomery County, PA-based mission-oriented non-profits, Chariots for Hope and Bethlehem Baptist Church, Pearl S. Buck International provides aid to children in need living in Ogada Children’s Home outside the city of Kisumu, Kenya.

Flag Skorea

South Korea

The Pearl S. Buck Foundation Korea, an independent affiliate of Pearl S. Buck International, assists multicultural families (made up of foreign laborers who marry Korean citizens) to transition into Korean culture and society while giving them support to raise healthy children.

Flag Philippines


The Pearl S. Buck Foundation Philippines, an independent affiliate of Pearl S. Buck International, provides aid to ethnic minority children and their families.

Flag Taiwan


The Pearl S. Buck Foundation, Tapei, Taiwan, an independent legal entity, serves the needs of foreign spouses in Taiwan and the children of international marriages.

Flag Thailand


The Pearl S. Buck Foundation Thailand, an independent affiliated program, provides aid to children in need.

Flag Vietnam


Pearl S. Buck International operates a branch office in Vietnam which serves children living in six orphanages in the Hanoi region.

Flag Us

United States

Pearl S. Buck International headquarters are located on the former estate of Pearl S. Buck in Bucks County, PA. Domestically, the organization provides guided tours of the Pearl S. Buck House (a National Historic Landmark) to thousands of global visitors annually; offers diversity and inclusion education and training programs for organizations, businesses and schools through the Welcome Workplace program; continues Ms. Buck’s literary legacy through its writing workshops; offers events and exhibits to the community, and manages the overseas humanitarian programs.