Top Secret: A Virtual Discussion

Meet Our Curator and Discuss Top Secret: The FBI File of Pearl S. Buck

For Women's History Month, Pearl S. Buck International is launching a new virtual exhibit on Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, humanitarian, and activist Pearl S. Buck. Join us the evening of Wednesday, March 29 for a virtual discussion and Q&A with Samantha Freise, Pearl S. Buck House and virtual exhibit curator. Go more in-depth with Freise on how Pearl caught the attention of the FBI and what she did about it, and pick the brain of Freise, our resident Pearl S. Buck expert, on the topic. This complimentary event should prove to be interesting, thought-provoking, and enlightening. Please register below - we look forward to seeing you there!

PSB FBI File Cover Image

Wednesday, March 29

7:00 pm EST

Zoom - this is a virtual event

Free - this is a complimentary event

In keeping with Pearl S. Buck's cross-cultural, humanitarian, and educational legacy, we aim to offer community programming at no charge whenever possible to allow as many people as possible to participate in and learn about our work and mission and Pearl's incredible life and legacy. As a non-profit organization, we are grateful for any donation you are able and willing to make to ensure we can continue to offer these types of community-building, inspiring, and educational programs in the future. Thank you for your generosity!