Give Your Sponsored Child a Gift

Thank you for supporting your sponsored child! Sending a monetary gift to your child is a wonderful way to let them know you are thinking about them for their birthday or on a special holiday. Your gift will put a smile on their face.

Chinese Student Visit 2019
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2019 6 June P1 Photo

Update: As of 11/9/21, Pearl S. Buck International has updated the way we process gifts. Moving forward, a 5% processing fee will be taken out of all gifts to help offset the expense of credit card and wire transfer fees.

In order to properly calculate the fee to ensure your sponsored child gets the entirety of your intended gift, see the table below. If the amount cannot be found in the table, you can divide your gift amount by .95 to determine the total amount to remit to Pearl S. Buck International to ensure the entirety of your gift goes to your sponsored child.

As always, we appreciate your understanding of this change and thank you for your continued generosity and support of your sponsored child.

Gift Amount for Sponsored Child Total Amount to Send to PSBI