News & Stories

Making a Difference in Kenya

Maxwell Day Of African Child

Pearl S. Buck International continues to build on its partnership with the non-profit organization Chariots for Hope and Bethlehem Baptist Church in supporting the children living in Ogada Children’s Home in Kenya.

The month of June was busy at Ogada, with the first term of the school year ending and students preparing for their final exams.

Celebrating African Children

June 16 was the International Day of the African Child, which has been celebrated since 1991 in honor of students who were massacred in Soweto, South Africa, in 1976 for protesting against education injustice and inequality during apartheid. The children at Ogada and the other homes operated by Chariots for Hope always participate in a local celebration of this holiday. The theme this year was “Eliminating harmful practices affecting children (stop child labor, educate the child)”. Two children from Ogada were chosen to carry the banner at the front of the processional at the event.

Child Sponsorship at Ogada

The children at Ogada continue to benefit from sponsorship opportunities provided by Pearl S. Buck International and the generosity of our supporters. The children go to school, eat well, sleep in clean, sturdy homes, and can get both routine and emergency medical attention.

The generosity of our child sponsors and donors is allowing Chariots for Hope to dream big about how to
fulfill the needs of the children living at Ogada to best prepare them to be happy, healthy, and successful
members of society—Chariots for Hope hope to be able to renovate the children’s dormitory, buy a commercial bread machine so the children will have fresh bread several times a week with their breakfast, and purchase two washing machines, as the children currently wash their clothes by hand in basins.

This past month, Pearl S. Buck International Board members Fred Schea and Pastor Charles Quann, pastor
of Bethlehem Baptist Church, had the opportunity to travel to Kenya with Chariots for Hope to meet the children living at Ogada and to see in person all the improvements and good work being done there thanks to everyone’s support.

Many Thanks

Thank you to all our child sponsors and donors for your continued generosity and support for the children of Ogada and all the people served by Pearl S. Buck International. Your kindness continues Pearl S. Buck’s legacy of bridging cultures, changing lives, and creating hope.

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