News & Stories
Providing Ongoing Covid-19 Support to Orphans in Vietnam

COVID-19 Affecting Orphaned Children
Covid-19 dealt a heavy blow around the globe in 2020 into 2021, affecting everyone but especially the most vulnerable members in society. In Vietnam, those most vulnerable populations are disadvantaged children and HIV-infected children, many of whom live in seven orphanages served by Pearl S. Buck International Vietnam (PSBIV). They are always in need of help, but after the effects of this global pandemic, now more so than ever.
Fresh Food for Children
Knowing the importance of maintaining the physical well-being of the children, PSBIV provided 2,160 bottles of yogurt and fresh milk for 520 children in the orphanages; this was made possible thanks to the generous support of child sponsors and project donors. The children were all so grateful for the milk, which not only provided nutrition for their daily meals but also strengthened their immune systems.
Helping Children Learn During the Pandemic
The support of child sponsors and donors also allowed PSBIV to be able to provide the necessary learning tools to the children in the orphanages to ensure they were prepared with adequate school supplies. These essential school supplies made children excited and motivated, which certainly helped them enhance their academic achievement. In addition, while under long periods of quarantine at home and while schools were closed, children were provided with interesting books to entertain them and broaden their knowledge.
Clean and Safe Living Conditions
Finally, to ensure the children were living and learning in a safe and clean environment, PSBIV provided the orphanages with mouthwash, hand soap, disinfectant, and home cleaning solutions. The hope is that all these measures, made possible by the generosity of Pearl S. Buck International supporters, have ensured that the children stay healthy, study and play well, and make progress during these tough times of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Thank You!
None of this would have been possible without the significant contributions of the housemothers and staff to the care and well-being of the children and the support of their physical and mental development. In addition to their devotion, ensuring the health and safety of these vulnerable children would have been impossible without the endless love and great support of PSBI child sponsors and donors. Your spiritual and financial help for these children allows them to thrive under normal circumstances and has made all the difference in the world during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis in Vietnam, where everyone, but especially vulnerable children, still face the threat of food scarcity, a shortage of supplies, inflation, and continued quarantines and school closures. With the significant contribution of donors, sponsors, and orphanage caretakers, PSBIV believes that all the children will continue to develop well and live in a safe and healthy environment.