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Sponsors and Donors Continue to help Vietnamese Orphans

Orphans Are Using Sanitizer (1)

Vietnam continued to be hit seriously by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2022. During that alarming situation, PSBI worked closely with the seven orphanages it serves to actively and urgently implement Covid-19 support to ensure the health of the disadvantaged and HIV-infected children living in them.

Helping Children Stay Healthy

In the orphanages, the number of children getting infected increased sharply due to cross-infection from school and community. In addition, numerous orphanage staff, and housemothers also got sick. PSBI helped the orphanages identify, isolate, and care for the infected children. PSBI also provided all the orphanages with health and safety supplies, such as Covid tests, masks, blood oxygen saturation meters, disinfectants, and sanitizer. Thanks to PSBI’s support, orphanages could detect and treat sick children quickly and adequately.

Thanks to PSBI’s great support, the number of Covid-19 cases in the orphanages was controlled and reduced. All the children were protected by living in a clean and healthy living environment, allowing them to stay as healthy as possible, play with friends, and study for school. PSBI also supported the children and their health by providing enhanced daily meals and a healthy diet. The orphanage housemothers and staff play a pivotal role in the children’s development during this time. None of this would have been possible without the endless love and significant support of the many Pearl S. Buck International sponsors and donors. Thanks to their help, the children had the care they needed when they were sick, the supplies to keep their living environment clean and safe, and the nutrition they need to stay healthy and strong.

Many Thanks

PSBI and the orphanages would like to express their deepest and greatest gratitude, high appreciation, and gratefulness to all the donors and sponsors who made it possible to help these most vulnerable children make it through this global pandemic. Thanks to their generosity, PSBI believes that all the children living in these orphanages will continue to make progress and have a promising future ahead.

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