News & Stories
Sponsorship Leads to Educational Success

Borwornnan, also called Kuk-kai, is a role model of successful children who have been served by the Pearl S. Buck Foundation in Mae Ramard, Tak province, Thailand.
Before enrolling in PSBFT’s child sponsorship program, she and her family lived in a small hut with a leaf roof because they earned little income. Her parents, who have three daughters and one son, grew corn to try to earn more income to pay for living necessities and the children’s educational expenses.
Sponsorship Journey
Kuk-kai enrolled in the sponsorship program when she was a 5-year-old kindergartner. PSBFT staff provided her counseling through home visits as well as healthcare and educational advice. She received warm clothes, school uniforms, shoes and socks, school supplies, and stationery, allowing her to not worry about dropping out of school due to the cost. Educational support from her sponsor through PSBFT has been so helpful for her family to pay for educational expenses, living costs, and medical expenses for Kuk-kai and her siblings.
Kuk-kai attended nutrition training and education for sponsored children. Since this event, she and her family have grown organic vegetables such as pumpkins, peas, Chinese cabbage, and tomatoes. They also raise animals such as pigs and chickens. Kuk-kai learned so much at the various camps that were offered through Pearl S. Buck Foundation Thailand. She was responsible as a group leader, assisted staff in preparing materials, and looked after younger sponsored children in the camps.
Education Success
Kuk-kai excels in school because she takes her education seriously and is confident and responsible. After completing secondary school in the village, she went to a public high school located in the district. She focused on science and mathematics and stayed in the school dormitory to lessen the financial burden on her parents. She faced many obstacles in adjusting to high school, but she persevered. She got involved in school activities and received a regional science prize. She also serves as vice president of the student council, joined the regional student council, decorated candles to offer to a Buddhist temple, and helped with school improvement projects.
Grateful for a Loving Sponsor
Kuk-kai is very appreciative of her generous sponsor and the opportunities that have been presented to her through the sponsorship program. Presently, she is studying in grade 11 with a 3.92 GPA and thanks to encouragement and guidance from a teacher, she is motivated to go to medical school.
Her sponsor has motivated her on her educational journey and career hopes as well. She is very grateful that her sponsor has provided her with encouragement and educational support over the years. Kuk-kai noted, “When I study in the university level I will be a good student, pay attention to studying,
and will make my dream of being a doctor come true. After becoming a doctor, I will be able to help a lot of people, especially hill tribe people. From experience, I have found that hill tribe people such as my family do not get great care because they are unable to speak the Thai language with doctors and hospital officers.” Kuk-kai would like to thank so much her kind sponsor for all the support, love, care, and concern for her family and herself time. Thank you to all our child sponsors and donors whose support and generosity allow children like Kuk-kai to stay in school and follow their dreams.