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Two Decades of Realizing Dreams in the Philippines


2023 marked the 20th anniversary of Pearl S. Buck Foundation Philippines (PSBP) as an independent affiliate of Pearl S. Buck International (PSBI). Many significant events took place this past year as PSBP commemorated its 20-year milestone.

Foremost of these notable events was the educational achievement of 29 college graduates in 2023. The graduates donned their robes and received their diplomas with honor and pride as they persevered through the pandemic. Nine students graduated with honors and Latin awards. Three students passed the licensure exam to become customs brokers in the Philippines.

The launch of the Pearl S. Buck Foundation Philippines – Alumni Association (PSBP – ALAS) took place during the celebration of PSBP’s 20th Anniversary on December 1, 2023. To date, PSBP – ALAS has 112 members who have signed the official membership form from all over the Philippines and abroad.

The December 2023 celebration highlighted 20 momentous years for PSBP, focused on the vision of bringing hope and a brighter future to sponsored children through education. Emotional and touching testimonies from successful sponsored youth made guests believe in the power of dreams despite adversity. Reinalyn proudly and tearfully shared that her sponsor’s genuine support in her dream of becoming a doctor was the most wonderful gift she has received in her life. Reinalyn is now working as a behavior therapist and will soon be entering medical school. Angelica astonished guests with her story of how she persevered through the pandemic amid financial constraints

and is now working as a licensed professional teacher. Finally, Rhea shared her success story of how PSBP’s PEARL (Perseverance in Education towards the Attainment and Realization of a better Life) Scholarship supported her college education. She is the newest full-time employee of PSBP, currently a probationary staff member as Community Development Organizer in Pampanga. PSBP believes that being a former sponsored youth will give her the opportunity to become a regular employee after six months.

Another significant highlight was the recognition of the people behind the 20-year success of PSBP. Seventeen PSBP members received the Plaque of Appreciation for their loyalty and service. They also recognized networks and partners of PSBP from public and private agencies from the past 20 years.

A 50-page souvenir magazine launched during the anniversary gala, containing congratulatory messages, sponsor testimonies, a presentation of the former and current board staff, and the 20-year milestones of PSBP.

For the past two decades, PSBP has accompanied sponsored children in their dreams of finishing their education. It proves how sponsorship has changed their lives, reiterating how education has made a brighter future for children. PSBP has been true to its original vision of creating a Brighter Future for Filipino children through Education.

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