Sponsor a Child


Hello, My Name is Tianqi

I live in

I am

My favorite hobby is bicycling. I am also very good at calligraphy. I would like to go to college to study engineering. Your support will help me reach my goals.

Sponsor Tianqi

How Sponsorship Helps

Your sponsorship dollars are used to provide life-changing support for your sponsored child. Aid is facilitated by our overseas offices who provide services based on your child's particular needs. 


Healthcare, nutrition, hygiene, and reproductive health training


Transportation, meals, school supplies, books, uniforms, bags, ect.

Psycho Social

In-home and at-school emotional family support

Sponsoring a Child in

Pearl S. Buck International works with the Chongshi Girls’ School (formerly known as the Zhenjiang #2 Middle School) where Pearl S. Buck was a student and later a teacher. Many of the girls who attend the school would end their education at grade nine due to family financial circumstances. The Child Sponsorship Program gives them the opportunity to continue their education and later attend university.

"Our treasure is in our children, for in them is our future."

- Pearl S. Buck