News & Stories
Looking Back on a Year of Hope and Help

2022 saw continued ramifications of the Covid-19 pandemic across Pearl S. Buck International’s global affiliates and the children and families they serve. Still, thanks to generous child sponsors and donors, the impoverished and marginalized members of our programs continued to receive nutritional, educational, health, and livelihood aid.
•Pearl Buck believed education was essential to breaking the cycle of poverty, and across our global programs, 99.78%of students progressed to the next grade level.
•The Philippines continued to support families dealing with food insecurity by educating them on how to grow nutritious foods with the Backyard Gardening Project.
•Thailand also helped to support families dealing with food insecurity by providing education for raising livestock such as pigs and chickens so they not only have food but can also have a source of income with the sale of the animals.
•Thanks to the generosity of PSBI sponsors and donors, Vietnam was still able to supply the orphans with healthy food when the government had to divert resources from the orphanages to deal with COVID-19 outbreaks.
•Chongshi Girls School is helping keep the legacy of Pearl S. Buck alive with a curriculum dedicated to her life and literary works.
•Korea started a wonderful initiative to bring support to elderly Amerasians who are still struggling due to the circumstances of their birth.
•Taipei-Taiwan is helping immigrant families deal with the struggles of the pandemic by offering counseling to deal with the emotional toll the pandemic is taking on them.
In all, the overseas affiliates continue the legacy of Pearl S. Buck to do outstanding work with marginalized populations despite the hardships of the global pandemic. All of this humanitarian service to the most vulnerable around the world this past year was thanks to your generosity and kindness. You provided help and hope and ensured Pearl Buck’s legacy of reaching out to marginalized and impoverished children, families, and communities could continue. Thank you!